About ANVS
At ANVS we are committed to working with you to achieve your migration outcomes.
We will listen to you and consider your circumstances so as to provide you with:
Simple, clear details of the visa options available to you and your family,
Advice and guidance on the best way to obtain your Australian Visa,
ANVS are thorough in their assessment and will not make promises that cannot be kept - the future of you and your family is important to us.
With ANVS you get the best of both Asia and Australia - Local knowledge with Asian people.
Our Team
ANVS Principal - Warren Watkins
Australian Registered Migration Agent
Member Migration Institute of Australia
Grad Certificate Australian Migration Law and Business (ANU)
Bachelor of Business (Accounting and Communications) (UTS)
FSRA Tier 2 Cert IV in Financial Services Swinbourne University of Technology
CPA Program and CPA Residential Practice Program
Advanced Omega Commercial Loans to Business
Warren is balanced, dedicated, detailed and will explore all avenues to help people achieve their migration goals. Warren excels in difficult matters and has suceeded in migration matters where others have failed.
Warren has an extensive background in business previously having held senior positions in Chartered Accounting, Business Banking and Commercial Enterprise. He is particularly adept in dealing with any business related migration applications.
ANVS Migration Consultant - Rae Zhang
Master of Education (Griffith)
Master of TESOL (Griffith)
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering (Beijing Commercial and Business University)
Cert IV Spoken and Written English
Cert IV Childcare
Rae is fluent in both English and Mandarin and goes above and beyond to assist clients. She understands cultural expectations and helps us better understand and appreciate the difficulties our overseas clients sometimes face. She is demanding but practical in her work.
ANVS Migration Marketing and Customer Service Officer - Simi Pan
Master of TESOL (UQ)
Simi relates well with other students and makes sure that we maintain a social media presence. Simi is intelligent and practical in dealing with client needs. A native Mandarin speaker and fluent in English. A valued member of our team.