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Immigrate to Australia PR Visa



Program or Project Administrator

Immigrate to Australia PR Visa

This table uses the Skilled Migration Lists to tell you what Australian Visas you may be eligible for.

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Who does Skill Assessment
186 Visa. Employer Sponsored
494 Visa. Regional Skilled Emp Sponsor
189 Visa. Skilled Independant
190 Visa. State Sponsored
491 Visa. Regional Skilled Work
489 Visa. Family Sponsored
482 Visa TSS - MLTSSL
482 Visa. TSS - STSOL
Program or Project Administrator

Australian State Occupation & Migration List

This Table tells you which Australian States and Territories may sponsor for the Subclass 190 Visa.

Program or Project Administrator

State Migration List for State Sponsored Subclass 190 visa for occupation:

Program or Project Administrator

***Queensland (QLD) has suspended subclass 190 nominations from 26 Nov 2019 ***

QLD 190
NSW 190
VIC 190
SA 190
WA 190
NT 190
TAS 190
ACT 190
Program or Project Administrator
Yes w/- Conditions
Yes Conditions
Yes Conditions

Australian State Occupation & Migration List

This Table tells you which Australian States and Territories may sponsor for the Subclass 491 Visa.

Program or Project Administrator

State Migration List for Skilled Work Regional Subclass 491 visa for occupation:

Program or Project Administrator

QLD 491
NSW 491
VIC 491
SA 491
WA 491
NT 491
TAS 491
ACT 491
Program or Project Administrator
Yes w/- Conditions
Yes w/- Conditions
Yes Conditions
Yes Conditions

The Following eight (8) tables provide an overview of the Australian State and Territory Government nomination  requirements. These requirements are in addition to the Visa requirements:

Australian State Migration Nomination Criteria

Queensland (QLD) State Nomination Criteria for Subclass 190 State Nominated Visa and Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional Visa

*** Qld has suspended subclass 190 nominations from 26 Nov 2019 ***

In Queensland & Working Full Time Subclass 190 Visa
In Queensland and Working Full Time Subclass 491
Offshore Applicants 190 Visa
Offshore Applicants 491 Visa
Queensland PostGraduate 190 VIsa
Queensland PostGraduate 491 Visa
Postgraduate Exemptions
Refer Qld PostGraduates
Refer Qld PostGraduates
For Overseas PhD, Work experience waiver if you have a 12+ month job offer with a Queensland employer registered in Australia
For Overseas PhD, Work experience waiver if you have a 12+ month job offer with a Queensland employer registered in Australia
Qld PhD Graduates can use occupations from the MLTSSL & STSOL. Qld Masters Graduates can use occupations from the QSOL Masters Graduate List.
Qld PhD Graduates can use occupations from the MLTSSL, STSOL.or ROL
Commitment to State
Live and Work in Queensland
Live and Work in Queensland
commit to living and working in Queensland for two years from visa grant.
commit to living and working in Queensland for two years from visa grant.
Subclass 491 Regional Postcodes
4124 to 4125, 4133, 4183 to 4184, 4207 to 4275, 4280 to 4287, 4306 to 4498, 4507, 4517 to 4519, 4550 to 4575, 4580 to 4895.
4124 to 4125, 4133, 4183 to 4184, 4207 to 4275, 4280 to 4287, 4306 to 4498, 4507, 4517 to 4519, 4550 to 4575, 4580 to 4895.
4124 to 4125, 4133, 4183 to 4184, 4207 to 4275, 4280 to 4287, 4306 to 4498, 4507, 4517 to 4519, 4550 to 4575, 4580 to 4895.
EOI State Fee
AUD $220
AUD $220 - $440
AUD $220
AUD $220 - $440
AUD $220
AUD $220 - $440
EOI State Preferences
Preference will be given to applicants who select “Queensland” as their nominating state of choice over applicants who select ‘ANY’ state
Preference will be given to applicants who select “Queensland” as their nominating state of choice over applicants who select ‘ANY’ state
Preference will be given to applicants who select “Queensland” as their nominating state of choice over applicants who select ‘ANY’ state
Preference will be given to applicants who select “Queensland” as their nominating state of choice over applicants who select ‘ANY’ state
Preference will be given to applicants who select “Queensland” as their nominating state of choice over applicants who select ‘ANY’ state
Preference will be given to applicants who select “Queensland” as their nominating state of choice over applicants who select ‘ANY’ state
Ongoing Employment
evidence of ongoing employment with a Queensland employer registered in Australia for a further 12 months (minimum of 35 hours per week)
ongoing employment in a REGIONAL area for a further 12 months (minimum 35 hours per week)
None Specified
None Specified
For Qld Masters, evidence of current full-time employment (35+ hrs/wk) in your nominated occupation with a Queensland employer for 12+ months. PhD Graduates are exempt.except for University Lecturer ANZSCO 2421111
For Qld Masters, evidence of current full-time employment (35+ hrs/wk) in your nominated occupation with a Queensland employer for 12+ months. PhD Graduates are exempt.except for University Lecturer ANZSCO 2421111
Post Qualification Employment for 190 Visa
Evidence of full-time (35hrs/wk) post-qualification employment in your nominated occupation for the past 6 months in Queensland IMMEDIATELY prior to EOI submission.
Must be LIVING and WORKING (full-time post qualification, minimum 35 hrs/week) in REGIONAL Queensland in your nominated occupation for the past 3 months IMMEDIATELY prior to EOI submission.
Evidence that you have a minimum of 2 years post-qualification work experience in your nominated occupation. More experience may be required for certain occupations
Evidence that you have a minimum of 2 years post-qualification work experience in your nominated occupation. More experience may be required for certain occupations.
None Specified
None Specified
Employment Options
Work Full Time for an Employer.
Work Full Time for an Employer. Work two part time jobs. Work in your own business.
Work Full Time for an Employer.
Work Full Time for an Employer. Work two part time jobs. Work in your own business.
Department of Home Affairs Requirements
Min 65+Points. Positive Skills Assessment. Under 45 Yrs of Age. Minimum of Competent English
Min 65+Points. Positive Skills Assessment. Under 45 Yrs of Age. Minimum of Competent English
Min 65+Points. Positive Skills Assessment. Under 45 Yrs of Age. Minimum of Competent English
Min 65+Points. Positive Skills Assessment. Under 45 Yrs of Age. Minimum of Competent English
Min 65+Points. Positive Skills Assessment. Under 45 Yrs of Age. Minimum of Competent English
Min 65+Points. Positive Skills Assessment. Under 45 Yrs of Age. Minimum of Competent English


Australian State Migration Nomination Criteria

New South Wales (NSW) State Nomination Criteria for Subclass 190 State Nominated Visa and Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional Visa

*** Commencement of the Subclass 491 Visa program has been delayed in NSW ***

NSW 190 Visa Applicants
NSW 491 Stream 1
NSW 491 Stream 2
NSW Nomination Application Fee
AUD $330 (incl GST)
AUD $330 (incl GST)
NSW Stream Criteria
Working and Living in a Regional Area in your Nominated Occupation in NSW for the last 12+ months
Living Offshore & F/T Job Offer for 12+Mths from NSW Regional Employer, OR Living Offshore & 5+ yrs of post qual employment in your nominated occupation OR Living Offshore & immediate family living in NSW Regional Area
Regional Postcodes
2250 to 2258, 2260 to 2263, 2311 to 2490, 2527, 2536 to 2551, 2575 to 2739, 2753 to 2754, 2756 to 2758 and 2773 to 2898
2250 to 2258, 2260 to 2263, 2311 to 2490, 2527, 2536 to 2551, 2575 to 2739, 2753 to 2754, 2756 to 2758 and 2773 to 2898
Department of Home Affairs Requirements
Min 65+Points. Positive Skills Assessment. Under 45 Yrs of Age. Minimum of Competent English
Min 65+Points. Positive Skills Assessment. Under 45 Yrs of Age. Minimum of Competent English
Min 65+Points. Positive Skills Assessment. Under 45 Yrs of Age. Minimum of Competent English
NSW Graduates
No Concessions
Studied & lived in a NSW Regional area and completed your study in the last 12 mths & Your Qualification has been assessed as closely related to your nominated occupation.
Occupations w/- Additional Requirements
Must be living in NSW, and have been employed in NSW for one+ year, in the nominated occupation
Residency Requirements
Nomination is unlikely if candidates are currently residing in another Australian state or territory
Refer NSW Stream Criteria
Refer NSW Stream Criteria

New South Wales

Australian State Migration Nomination Criteria

Victoria (VIC) State Nomination Criteria for Subclass 190 State Nominated Visa & Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional Visa

VIC PhD Graduates
Overseas PhD
190 Candidates
Subclass 491 Candidates
Regional Postcodes
3097 to 3099, 3139, 3233 to 3234, 3236 to 3239, 3241 to 3325, 3329, 3334, 3341, 3345 to 3424, 3430 to 3799, 3809 to 3909, 3912 to 3971 and 3978 to 3996
3097 to 3099, 3139, 3233 to 3234, 3236 to 3239, 3241 to 3325, 3329, 3334, 3341, 3345 to 3424, 3430 to 3799, 3809 to 3909, 3912 to 3971 and 3978 to 3996
3097 to 3099, 3139, 3233 to 3234, 3236 to 3239, 3241 to 3325, 3329, 3334, 3341, 3345 to 3424, 3430 to 3799, 3809 to 3909, 3912 to 3971 and 3978 to 3996
Commitment to Victoria
live and work in VIC for at least two yrs.
live and work in VIC for at least two yrs. If you are outside of VIC you will need a current Victorian job offer in your nominated occupation
live and work in VIC for at least two yrs. If you are outside of VIC you will need a current Victorian job offer in your nominated occupation
Live and Work in VIC Regional area for duration of the visa.
Job Offer
Not Required
If not living in VIC or if required by the VIC Nomination List, evidence of a Genuine VIC Job Offer Min 20hrs/wk & 6 Mths
If not living in VIC or if required by the VIC Nomination List, evidence of a Genuine VIC Job Offer Min 20hrs/wk & 6 Mths. Not Required if a VIC Graduate.
Full Time 38hrs/week for 12 Mths in a Regional VIC area
Financial Resources
Onshore & Working in Nominated Occupation: AUD $20,000. Overseas AUD $30,000+
Onshore & Working in Nominated Occupation: AUD $20,000. Overseas AUD $30,000+
Onshore & Working in Nominated Occupation: AUD $20,000. Overseas AUD $30,000+
Onshore & Working in Nominated Occupation: AUD $20,000. Overseas AUD $30,000+
Post Qual Experience
Not Required
Not Required except as needed for Skills Assessment.
As specified on VIC Nomination Occupation List
As Required for Skills Assessment
Dept of Home Affairs (DoHA) Requirements
Min 65+Points. Positive Skills Assessment. Under 45 Yrs of Age. Minimum of Competent English
Min 65+Points. Positive Skills Assessment. Under 45 Yrs of Age. Minimum of Competent English
Min 65+Points. Positive Skills Assessment. Under 45 Yrs of Age. Minimum of Competent English
Min 65+Points. Positive Skills Assessment. Under 45 Yrs of Age. Minimum of Competent English
Relevant Occupation List
Any occupation on the relevant DoHA list
An Occupation on the VIC Nomination Occupation List
VIC Nomination Occupation List
VIC Nomination Occupation List


Australian State Migration Nomination Criteria

South Australia (SA) State Nomination Criteria for Subclass 190 State Nominated Visa & Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional Visa

Subclass 190 Candidates
Subclass 491 Candidates
Financial Capacity
Offshore Aud $20,000+. Onshore Aud $5,000+
Offshore Aud $20,000+. Onshore Aud $5,000+
Financial Capacity Waiver
SA Graduate living onshore parents can be assessed for financial capacity
SA Graduate living onshore parents can be assessed for financial capacity
High English Waiver
SA Graduates living in SA with Proficient English where the occupation is available or low availability
SA Graduates living in SA with Proficient English where the occupation is available or low availability
Graduate of SA who has lived continuously in SA for 5+ yrs & is currently working for the last 3 mths in a skilled occupation in SA (40+ hrs/fortnight).
Graduate of SA who is currently working for the last 6 months in a skilled occupation in SA (min 40 hrs/fortnight)
SA Graduate (PhD, Masters or GPA 6 Bachelor) still in SA
Post Qual Skilled Work Experience
12+mths (20+hrs/wk) work exp. in SA (More if otherwise stipulated)
12mths (20+hrs/wk) work exp. in SA. (More if otherwise stipulated)
High Points applicant with 8+ yrs work nominated Occupation
Eligible unless closed to High Points.
If your nominated occupation is listed as 'Provisional 491 visa only' - 190 nomination offered to applicants under specific circumstances only
Only if you meet Conditions in Clause 3.5
Currently living in SA & have previously been elsewhere in Australia
You must be currently working for the last 6 months (min 20 hrs/wk) in a skilled occupation in SA. Attach a supporting statement to 190 visa request.
You must be currently working for the last 6 months (min 20 hrs/wk) in a skilled occupation in SA
Studied or worked in another Australian state or territory as well as in South Australia in the last 10 years
Generally will not be nominated by SA
Currently offshore & have previously studied or worked in another Australian state & not in South Australia in the last 10 years
Will not be nominated by SA
In Australia, but not living in SA
Will not be nominated by SA
Will not be Sponsored by SA
Work Experience Waiver
High Points SA Graduate GPA 6+ OR Long Term Resident of SA (7+yrs)
High Points SA Graduate 5.2 to 5.99 GPA OR Long term Resident of SA (7+yrs)

South Australia

Australian State Migration Nomination Criteria

West Australia (WA) State Nomination Criteria for Subclass 190 State Nominated Visa and Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional Visa

General Stream
WA Graduate Stream
Regional Areas
All postcodes EXCEPT 6000 to 6038, 6050 to 6083, 6090 to 6182, 6208 to 6211, 6214 and 6556 to 6558
All postcodes EXCEPT 6000 to 6038, 6050 to 6083, 6090 to 6182, 6208 to 6211, 6214 and 6556 to 6558
Employment Contract (35hrs/wk)
Must have F/T Contract of employment for 12+ mths in WA in the nominated (or closely related) occupation.
Must have F/T Contract of employment in Regional WA for 12+ mths in WA in the nominated (or closely related) occupation.
Work Experience 20+ hrs/wk
1+ yr of Australian work experience in the nominated occupation in last 10 years; or 3+ yrs of overseas work experience in the nominated occupation in last 10 years.
Requirement waived for WA Masters or PhD
Minimum English for other occupations
Mimimum English for ANZSCO Group 1 or 2 Professions (Managers or Professionals)
IELTS 7 or equivalent
IELTS 7 or equivalent
Financial Capacity
AUD $20,000+ Only required if you are not currently living in Western Australia
AUD $20,000+ Only required if you are not currently living in Western Australia
Provide a contract of employment
Demonstrated the minimum required work experience in nominated occupation
Demonstrated the minimum required work experience in nominated occupation
Nor Required for WA Masters and PhD

West Australia

Australian State Migration Nomination Criteria

Northern Territory (NT) State Nomination Criteria for Subclass 190 State Nominated Visa and Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional Visa

Subclass 190 Candidates
Subclass 491 Candidates
NT Graduates
Financial Capacity
If not in the NT, AUD $35,000+
If not in the NT, AUD $35,000+
Not Required if an NT Graduate
Living in the NT
If offshore, full-time employment in your nominated occupation for at least 12 months out of the last 24 months or evidence that you have Australian qualifications
If offshore, full-time employment in your nominated occupation for at least 12 months out of the last 24 months or evidence that you have Australian qualifications
6+mths Bank Statements & letter of Commitment & Evidence of Employment Prospects
Evidence of Work Experience
If in the NT, you must provide evidence of working in the nominated occupation in the NT for 6+ mth’s F/Tl and must prove future employment prospects.
If in the NT, you must provide evidence of working in the nominated occupation in the NT for 6+ mth’s F/Tl and must prove future employment prospects.
Not Specified
Occupation Not on NT State Occupations List
provide strong evidence of your employability and evidence that the occupation is in shortage in the NT
provide strong evidence of your employability and evidence that the occupation is in shortage in the NT
Can apply for any DoHA occupation

Northern Territory

Australian State Migration Nomination Criteria

Tasmania (TAS) State Nomination Criteria for Subclass 190 State Nominated Visa and Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional Visa

Tas Graduate
Working in TAS
Overseas Applicant
Overseas Applicant w/- Job Offer
Family in TAS
Small Business Owner
Family Requirements
Immediate family to Applicant. Must not be related by marriage.
Financial Capacity
Sufficient to fund settlement for 6 mths
Family prepared to support applicant
TAS Skilled Occupation List (TSOL)
Meet requirements of TSOL and occupation listed as "High Demand"
Employers not Supported by TAS Nomination
Supermarkets, Massage, Service Stations, Limited Service Restaurants & Taxi/Uber Driving.
Supermarkets, Massage, Service Stations, Limited Service Restaurants & Taxi/Uber Driving. No Franchise or shared businesses..
Nominated Position
Genuine need and fills a TAS skills shortage. Employer operating 2+years
Genuine need for position. Well established Employer for 12+ months
Business likely to provide a personal income > TSMIT for next 3/5 years
Employment in TAS
6+ mth 35hrs/wk prior to your application Does not have to be in your nominated occupation
Business established for 6+mths and business plan
Current Residence
Must Currently be resident in TAS
Must currently be living in TAS & genuine commitment to continue living.
Not lived in another Australian State (Except TAS) within last 12 months.
Not lived in another Australian State (Except TAS) within last 12 months.
Residence in TAS
1+ yrs during period of study
Family must be PR+ & live in TAS for 12+ mths
Course Requirements
Must be 40+weeks, F/T, Cert III+ and in TAS.


Australian State Migration Nomination Criteria

Australian Capital Territory (ACT) State Nomination Criteria for Subclass 190 State Nominated Visa and Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional Visa

Living in ACT
Overseas Applicants
Financial Capacity
sufficient financial assets to fund your migration and settlement in Canberra while you seek employment
Job Offer
If no ACT job offer, provide evidence of research into sufficient ACT employment opportunities in your nominated occupation.
Live and Work in ACT for 2+years from visa grant
Live and Work in ACT for 2+years from visa grant
English Language
ANZSCO Major Occupation Group 1 (Managers) or Group 2 (Professionals) occupation, must have Proficient English
Living in ACT
Applicant and Spouse living and working in Canberra for the three months immediately before the date of Matrix submission.
Not eligible for Subclass 190 nomination if you are living, or have lived elsewhere in Australia in last 12 months.
Work Experience
Continuous employment of 20+ hrs/wk
12 months continuous experience (within the last three years) in the nominated occupation
ACT State Nomination List
Any occupation on the ACT Occupation List, even if closed. However, only open occupations score points in Canberra Matrix.
Any occupation on the ACT Occupation List, even if closed. However, only open occupations score points in Canberra Matrix.

Australian Capital Territory


Program or Project Administrator

CONTRACT, PROGRAM AND PROJECT ADMINISTRATORS plan and undertake administration of contracts, organisational programs, special projects and support services. Indicative Skill Level: Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with the qualifications and experience outlined below. In Australia: AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2) In New Zealand: NZ Register Diploma (ANZSCO Skill Level 2) At least three years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualifications listed above. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification. Tasks Include: developing, reviewing and negotiating variations to contracts, programs, projects and services responding to inquiries and resolving problems concerning contracts, programs, projects, services provided, and persons affected managing paperwork associated with contracts, programs, projects and services provided working with Project Managers, Architects, Engineering Professionals, owners and others to ensure that goals are met advising senior management on matters requiring attention and implementing their decisions overseeing work by contractors and reporting on variations to work orders preparing and reviewing submissions and reports concerning the organisation's activities collecting and analysing data associated with projects undertaken, and reporting on project outcomes reviewing and arranging new office accommodation Occupations: 511111 Contract Administrator 511112 Program or Project Administrator 511111 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR Alternative Title: Contract Officer Prepares, interprets, maintains, reviews and negotiates variations to contracts on behalf of an organisation. Skill Level: 2 511112 PROGRAM OR PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR Alternative Title: Project Coordinator Plans and undertakes administration of organisational programs, special projects and support services. Skill Level: 2

Average Earnings and Age

(ABS data 2019)

Program or Project Administrator

Australian PR

Group Details
Males Avg Weekly Earnings
Female Avg Weekly Earnings
Persons Avg Weekly Earnings
Males Age
Females Age
Persons Age
5111 Contract, program and project administrators

Australian PR - How do I Migrate to Australia?


Australian Migration provides different types of visa classes - These incorporate:

  • Bridging Visas - BVA, BVB, BVC, BVD, etc

  • Temporary Visas - Visitor Visa, Student Visa Subclass 500, TSS Visa Subclass 482, Graduate Visa Subclass 485, etc.,

  • Provisional Visas - Skilled Work Regional Subclass 491 and the Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional Subclass 494, Business Innovation and Investment Visa Subclass 188, etc

  • Permanent Visas - Employer Sponsored (ENS) Visa Subclass 186, Partner Visas, Parent and Contributory Parent Visas, Skilled Independent Subclass 189, Business Talent Visa Subclass 132, etc.

An applicant only obtains Australian PR and is able to permanently migrate to Australia  when they are granted an Australian Permanent Visa

There are various migration pathways to Australia that each of the visa classes offer that may ultimately achieve Australian PR. For example a Student Visa may enable application for a Graduate Visa (with full work rights) which may in turn permit application for a Skilled Independent Subclass 189 Permanent Visa. Whether you need to take a pathway to migrate to Australia and obtain Australian PR or be permitted to apply directly for Australian PR will depend on your individual circumstances. 


What is the difference between a Provisional Visa and a Permanent Visa?


DoHA is moving to implement an intermediary class of Australian Visas referred to as "Provisional Visas." As the name suggests, Provisional Visas provide for application to an Australian Permanent Visa if the Provisional Visa requirements have been satisfied.


Before 16 November 2019 applicants could apply directly for the Permanent Regional Skilled Employer Sponsored Visa Subclass 187. Post November 2019, an application for a Regional Employer Sponsored Visa will be an application for a Provisional Visa which will then allow application for a Permanent Visa if the applicant complies with all requirements of the Provisional Visa for a period of 3 years.

Some of the variables that may influence your eligibility to migrate to Australia and apply for an Australian PR visa directly as opposed to having to pursue a pathway to Australian PR will include:

  • Your English Language Proficiency (IELTS or PTE Scores). For points-tested visas an IELTS score of 6 will generate zero points whereas a score of 7 provides 10 points and a score of 8 provides 20 points. The point differentials may provide the difference between being eligible to migrate to Australia as an Australian PR or not being eligible for Australian PR.

  • Your Australian and/or Overseas Work experience - generally, you will need at least 3 years post qualification work experience to be eligible to apply for a skilled visa and migrate to Australia.

  • State Migration Occupation Lists - each Australian State periodically publishes a list of occupations that they may sponsor for either the Provisional Skilled Work Regional Subclass 491 or the State Sponsored Permanent Visa Subclass 190. The State and Territory Occupation Occupation Lists are based on the occupations that each Australian State or Territory is seeking to Sponsor to permit Migration to Australia where skills shortages are being experienced. These lists change periodically and should be checked before any application to migrate to Australia is lodged. Often, the States will impose their own conditions on different occupations to be satisfied before they will nominate.

  • Expression of Interest (EOI) Scores - The minimum points threshold is 65, however very few, if any, invitations are being issued at this level. Applicants should be looking to obtain points scores of 80+ if they are looking to obtain an invitation to Migrate to Australia PR  within a reasonable period of time.

  • Eligibility to obtain a Skills Assessment - requirements for each occupation differ and should be checked with the relevant assessment body.

  • Employment Job Offers. Will be required if you are looking to migrate to Australia PR on any Employer Sponsored Visa.

Australia PR benefits


Australian PR (permanent resident) is the name given to a non-citizen who is the holder of an Australian permanent visa. 

Australian PR offers the following benefits:

  • The right to migrate and  live in Australia indefinitely,

  • The opportunity to sponsor family for visas from overseas to migrate to Australia PR

  • Relaxed rules associated with obtaining credit,

  • Access to the First Home Owners Grant,

  • Australian Citizenship for children born in Australia,

  • Access to Healthcare

  • Access to Social Security, subject to a 4 year waiting period where Australian PR was granted after 1 January 2019,

  • Eligibility to apply for Australian Citizenship is residency requirements are satisfied.

  • Easier access to New Zealand


Whilst an Australian PR has most of the rights and entitlements of a citizen, there are some differences:

  • A citizen has an automatic right of entry to Australia, however if a permanent resident chooses to travel internationally, they need to ensure they have a permanent visa with a valid travel authority if they wish to return to Australia as an Australian PR.

  • A citizen can vote in Australian Government elections. In most cases Australian PR residents cannot.

  • An Australia PR is not eligible to stand for Government election, &

  • An Australian PR may not be eligible to apply for Australian Federal Government positions.

For Employers

Finding Skilled Staff locally to work in your business can sometimes be challenging. 


We have a database of highly skilled overseas workers that are prepared to work hard to settle their families in Australia.


If you are interested in finding out more, please call us or complete the contact form on this page  

For Employees

If you are an overseas worker and interested in submitting your details to be considered by Employers looking to fill positions in Australia, please send us details of your occupation and your Resume by completing this form

Information on this page is indicative only and may not be accurate or may contain omissions as it is progressively being updated. Please do not rely on the contents. Complete the online Visa Assessment for further information. 

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